Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Will Self-Destruct

Send messages to email addresses without using any email account, anonymously. Your message will be accessible from a website that only your recipient will be able to log in. Besides that, the message you sent is not permanent: you can set the time it will remain in the Will Self-Destruct servers.

Monday, May 29, 2006


I vote for online applications ten to one. This is the first compress and decompress web based application I know of. It has several cool features, like collecting up to 10 files and making a compressed item of them that you can download to your drive. Or like decompressing files that reside on the Internet. Very useful!

all you can upload

Webshots, a well known photography hosting and stock photo e-store, has just launched a free virtual storage service for owned pictures. All you can upload will remain in their servers, at original size if you prefer or resized at your taste. You get the codes to paste your pictures around the world wide web, that is, forums, e-shops, conventional websites, blogs, etc. Anywhere you need to paste one or many of your pictures, allyoucanupload is your way to go. There's no bandwidth, picture size or number of pictures limit, just upload as much as you need. No registration required, but print or save the codes provided in your notepad, or you will not find your uploaded pictures anymore. If you prefer a conventional album based storage, sign up with the source website: Webshots.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

record a Pandora session

The following text is copied and pasted from Tech-Recipes.com:

Pandora is an amazing music service. If you want to actually save the music to your hard drive to keep forever and forever, these steps will allow you to do it easily. Burn straight to mp3 with tags, titles, and sorting intact. Brillant!

You need firefox as well.

1. Go to pandora.com and setup an account.
2. Download and run Pandora's Jar. This forum post has the latest installations.
3. Click the Extract All Files link to uncompress the files to a directory on your computer. I use c:\pandora
4. Goto the directory that contains your downloaded files (c:\pandora)
5. Double-click on pandora.jar.
6. The file will launch and you will see something like:

Welcome to Pandoras Jar
Attempting to lauch on port 80...OK
[ready, lets grab some MP3'S!!!]

7. Visit http://localhost in firefox
8. Firefox should load with Pandoras Jar version of Pandora
9. As you listen, the mp3s will be created in a directory called mp3 in your original pandoras jar installation directory (c:\pandora\mp3)

Major props to Hak.5 for these directions. I've been following this thread for a while now. Somebody requested that these directions be condensed into one place so I posted it for everybody to enjoy.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

mp3 freedom

It's about time to get rid of any shackles to culture.
Walled music?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Bob's 65!

Beyond Asana Yoga

Warning: impactful images.


BlinkLife is a very innovative free blog provider that gives you unlimited space (starting at 300 Gb), and special features like integrated one-way email and rss. When you sign up you are asked an email address; this is the address your messages will appear to be sent from when you use BlinkLife. When you compose a message, you can choose between public or private message. A public message can be viewed by anyone browsing your BlinkLife blog, while a private message will only be received and visible on your BlinkLife blog by your chosen recipients. BlinkLife also allows you to send pictures within your messages, uploaded from your drive or copied and pasted from any website. They appear inside the message, not as an attachment. It is a very attractive email-blog hybrid option for personal emailing among friends and family members.


ImageLog es como un Tabblo a la española, es decir, un alojador gratuito de fotografías que te permite crear "logs" o páginas que muestran un montón de fotos tuyas juntas, ocupando diferentes espacios de tamaño personalizable para cada imagen y con fondos de color también modificables. La web no ofrece información acerca de la cantidad de fotos alojable gratuitamente, ni si conserva las fotos a tamaño original. ImageLog es más bien una forma original de mostrar a otros tus fotografías. Además se pueden subir al servidor por correo electrónico y por teléfono móvil.


A new and interesting free hosting service for your pictures. At the moment Tabblo offers hosting for an unlimited number of photographs, stored @ original size. The main feature is that you can arrange your photos in "tabblos", i.e. very customizable pages with your selection of colors, fonts and texts. Tabblos are like albums but better, more creative and fun. You can share any of them with your friends, or keep them private. I see Tabblo as a very beautiful alternative to other free photo-hosting services like Bubbleshare.

1000 Hands Kuan-yin [dance]

El Koala, unplugged

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Friday, May 05, 2006

Libro gratis: La blogosfera hispana

La blogosfera hispana: pioneros de la cultura digital, por varios autores. Editado por Fundación France Telecom España. Descarga este libro gratuitamente en formato PDF. El archivo permanecerá accesible mientras haya descargas, en caso contrario 30 días desde la última descarga.

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Libro gratis: Habana Babilonia

Habana Babilonia, Prostitutas en Cuba, por Amir Valle. Descarga gratuitamente este libro en formato pdf. El archivo permanecerá accesible mientras haya descargas en periodos de menos de 30 días entre una descarga y la siguiente.

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Free book: Sixty Songs of Milarepa

Download free this pdf file: Milarepa's 60 Songs, a Tibetan Buddhism classic. The file will remain available as long as there's anyone downloading it in periods of less than 30 days between each download.

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