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Art, Photography, Spirituality, Internet Applications and everything else in no particular order. English and Spanish. About me: born in Spain, US resident, female. Contact: lux1008@mail2rss.org
Was there a takeover of the US by international bankers? You visit the scene of a crime so perfect that, for thirty years, no one knew it had even taken place. Join us in a 45 minute documentary with Daniel Hopsicker on the banking elite, the Federal Reserve, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Comission and the New World Order in general, as we investigate the birth of a criminal conspiracy to rob each and every bank vault in America. |
Jon Ronson investigates on a secret organisation called the Bilderberg group, which supposedly rules the world from behind. He demonstrates this organisation really exists by trying to attend one of their meetings. He interviews many people involved with the organisation, who give their point of view of this conspiracy theories. |
The Secret Rulers of the World features many of the characters covered in Ronson's book THEM: Adventures with Extremists. Topics covered include: David Icke, Bilderberg Group, Ruby Ridge, Bohemian Grove and Timothy McVeigh. Other Search Word: Conspiracy |